Company motto
34 characters, 5 words
People are the common denominator.
Standard description
969 characters, 102 words
Denominator is the leading data provider for measuring social and diversity performance worldwide. We empower forward-thinking organizations to stay ahead and make informed decisions in business strategies–from investments to procurement and internal efforts.
The database covers more than 5 million public and private companies and investment funds across 195+ countries and 85+ industries. With raw data, scores and ratings across 15+ social dimensions within diversity, human rights, health and safety, and labor rights, the database is the most granular and comprehensive of its kind. The datasets cover the board, executive team, and company level to drive detailed scoring and rating models.
One liner
79 characters, 10 words
Leading data provider for measuring social and diversity performance worldwide.
Short paragraph
152 characters, 17 words
Denominator is the leading data provider for measuring social and diversity performance on companies and countries worldwide.
334 characters, 47 words
Denominator is the leading data provider for measuring social and diversity performance worldwide. The database cover 5M+ public and private companies across industries, investment funds, and countries with raw data, scores, and ratings across 15+ social dimensions within diversity, human rights, health and safety, and labor rights.
Company logos