Press kit

Company motto

34 characters, 5 words
People are the common denominator.

Standard description

969 characters, 102 words
Denominator is the leading data provider for measuring social and diversity performance worldwide. We empower forward-thinking organizations to stay ahead and make informed decisions in business strategies–from investments to procurement and internal efforts.

The database covers more than 5 million public and private companies and investment funds across 195+ countries and 85+ industries. With raw data, scores and ratings across 15+ social dimensions within diversity, human rights, health and safety, and labor rights, the database is the most granular and comprehensive of its kind. The datasets cover the board, executive team, and company level to drive detailed scoring and rating models.

One liner

79 characters, 10 words
Leading data provider for measuring social and diversity performance worldwide.

Short paragraph

152 characters, 17 words
Denominator is the leading data provider for measuring social and diversity performance on companies and countries worldwide.


334 characters, 47 words
Denominator is the leading data provider for measuring social and diversity performance worldwide. The database cover 5M+ public and private companies across industries, investment funds, and countries with raw data, scores, and ratings across 15+ social dimensions within diversity, human rights, health and safety, and labor rights.

Company logos


CEO of Denominator

Connect with Anders via LinkedIn
As name, you are welcome to use either Anders Rodenberg or Anders A. L. Rodenberg.

Formal Biography

Anders Rodenberg is the CEO of Denominator, the leading data provider for measuring social and diversity performance worldwide.

Prior to joining Denominator, Anders managed teams in Europe and was the Head of Financial Institutions & Advisory in North and South America for Moody’s Analytics’ data division. Anders is an experienced speaker and often used as a subject matter expert within data for risk management, growth expansion and naturally, social and diversity topics for global events during UNGA, COP, and World Economic Forum in Davos.

Anders lives in the USA with Nordic origins from the Denmark and Sweden.

Less Formal Biography

As CEO of Denominator, I do a little bit of everything, but my most important job is to engage with people both inside and outside of Denominator. Data might be the foundation of knowledge and accountability, but it requires people to turn knowledge and accountability into solutions and improvements. In the end, my job is about people.

Prior to Denominator, I spent more than a decade working at Moody’s Analytics with people across Europe, US, Canada, Latin America, and some parts of Asia. I have a master’s degree in political science but think my most important skills and life lessons come from my upbringing. I was raised by a single mother in Denmark but come from a multinational family with a Swedish father, a sister from Asia and another sister from the Arctic region. We were all different, but all the same. This taught us empathy, curiosity for the unknown, and that it is ok to agree to disagree. People are the common denominator.
Our team will get back to you shortly
In the meantime, learn more about Denominator, our offerings and use cases or read the latest insights – we recommend checking out the bi-weekly DenominatorFacts.
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