Forbes & Denominator | America's best companies 2025

Forbes & Denominator | America's best companies 2025
  • Forbes' America’s Best Companies 2025 uses over 60 metrics across 11 categories to rank top-performing organizations, emphasizing financial performance, employee satisfaction, DEI, and sustainability.
  • As a data partner, Denominator provides insights on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), highlighting the critical role alignment with employees and customers plays in driving innovation and success.
“Companies succeed through the contributions of employees from diverse backgrounds”, Anders Rodenberg, CEO of  Denominator

To rank the very best companies in the United States, one or two metrics do not suffice. Or five. Or, as far as Forbes is concerned, not even 20…

The launch of America's Best Companies, is Forbes’ most comprehensive company ranking ever—leveraging more than 60 measures in 11 categories from a wide spectrum of data partners. Ratings for financial performance, customer and employee satisfaction, cybersecurity, sustainability, companies' remote work policies, media coverage and more went into the final ranking…

We are excited to announce Denominator as the data partner on the social aspect focusing on Diversity Equity, & Inclusion (DEI).  

"It's data and facts around how well companies are aligned to their customers and their employees," Anders Rodenberg, CEO of  Denominator.
"How much do they reflect them? The more aligned you are with your consumer base, the better the products, the more innovative you can be. You think differently around problems."

Congratulation to the 300 companies that made it to the list and thank you, Alan Schwarz, on the collaboration and putting together this framework, gathering specialized data providers such as Morningstar, Sustainalytics, Glassdoor, HundredX, Security Scorecard, SignalAI, Flex Index, People data labs, best practice institute

If you want to know more about the list and Denominator’s data, feel free to reach out to Emma Helbo.  

Forbes America’s Best Companies 2025:  

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